That sinking feeling when you hear “Honey, did you remember the bug spray?” then realise within seconds you’re in the dog house. You're
hours away from home, in the middle of nowhere, and you forgot to pack the ONE thing you need the most. Whether you’re away for the weekend,
a fortnight or travelling Australia for 6 months, here’s a list of key items to remember on your next road trip.
• Bug spray (your new best friend in the heat)
• Car manual – for those unexpected beeps that won’t go away!
• Insurance details are always needed for those ‘oops!’ moments.
• Registration and licence are a must-have.
• Spare tyre just in case.
• Wiki camps and HEMA apps work when you’re out of range – download them now!
• First aid and roadside emergency kits are essential to treat you and your car after an unwanted accident.
• Cash – although a lot of people go contactless these days, it’s always worth having some in your back pocket for old school parking meters
and tolls.
• Loo roll – for those less than glamourous moments out bush...
• Notepad and pen if your phone is about to die and you need to write down an emergency contact or, even worse, you need the details of the
car you dented – uh oh!
• Phone chargers – so you don’t need to pull out that pen and paper.
• Portable power banks for all your gadgets that need an extra boost.
• Travel games.
• Reusable water bottle is genius for the environment and your spillages!
• Reusable shopping bags – the turtles will be very thankful.
• Hand sanitiser is something we’re probably all sick of by now but it still comes in handy when you need it most.
• Wet wipes… freshen up, freshen up.
• Shampoo and conditioner bars are actually a thing. Just like soap, they avoid plastic and unwanted leaks in your wash bag.
• Day backpack for those much-needed walks to stretch out the muscles.
• Head torch to light the way.
• Sunglasses and sunscreen – it’s for your own protection.
Now it’s time to let the good times roll! So, sit back, relax and enjoy the ride… without having to worry about that one thing anymore. And
remember, this is just a guide so we encourage you to tailor your checklist to suit you.
Follow your dreams.
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